Lectures & Talks


Ideas from the Back Gardens of Britain 

Over the past twenty five years, I have visited lots of gardens throughout Britain, from small suburban plots and inner city allotments to roof gardens and large country estates. This lecture introduces you to the owners and the gardens they’ve created in a wide range of styles. More>

Gardening at Eden – and how to do it at home  

A giant clay pit with no natural soil is hardly the place you’d expect to find the Garden of Eden, yet within this inhospitable location, gardeners have created one of the wonders of the horticultural world. More>


The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew  

The lecture begins with the early history and development of the gardens. From the creation of two Royal pleasure grounds and a small botanic gardens, to major developments under George III, masterminded by Sir Joseph Banks, which established the royal gardens as the ‘Greatest Botanic Gardens in the world’. More>

The Wonder of Plants 

Have you ever wondered how cacti survive the extremes of the desert, how the Venus Flytrap captures its prey or intricate orchid flowers are pollinated? More>

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